Happy 25th Birthday to us. Now for the next 25…


When, earlier this summer, I plastered all over social media – LinkedIn, Instagram and the other place I can’t quite bring myself to leave - that ING had turned 25, the reaction was wonderful.

As founder, Leanne Tritton deservedly drew most of the plaudits: “Super impressive, inspirational and still a lovely charming and generous person.” (I couldn’t agree more.)

The team (or teams, present and past) got the credit they deserved too: “Talent across all areas and all roles, and creative ideas to boot.” Hear, hear.

But it was a line from a colleague that excited me most. “Here’s to the next 25 years.”

I may not have been among the millions sat in Ticketmaster queues last week, but I love a warm bath of nostalgia as much as anyone.

Nevertheless, to mark ING’s 25th, I’m determined to look forwards, not back.

I’m not going to pretend I can see all the way ahead to 2049. Technology? It will be impactful, and in ways the built world hasn’t yet conceived. People? We’ll find ways of being more inclusive and more representative – we simply have to. Global? I think (read: I hope) our flirtation with protectionism will pass and we’ll find ways of making what has always been a curiously domestic sector, less so. Oh, and a personal hope; after just returning from Paris, I hope the next 25 years sees another London Olympics.

But the next five years are clearer. Beds, sheds and meds won’t loosen their grip on development. WFH will. Culture - and architecture - will do more than support places; they will define them.

ING is embracing these changes with purpose, recognising that we have to be more expert in the advice we offer. Our HQ may be in London but we also have an office in Manchester and a presence in Singapore too. We have beefed up our investor and digital teams and are building an infrastructure team too.

I’m pleased to say others recognise our expertise. We’ll be on stage at events throughout the autumn - from LREF to EXPOReal. Proptech Connect to Cityscape. And for the whole team, we recognise desk-based research isn’t enough either. Forty INGers will be in Rotterdam next month to see how one of Europe’s most exciting cities is developing.

And just as pro bono work has been at the heart of the ING philosophy ever since 1999, we are continuing to use our connections, expertise and time to support others earlier in their journey than us.

With nine colleagues, I’ll be taking part in the LandAid Trek later this month (who suggested doing all 27km in one day… please, please sponsor us here) and we are going further with Elevate, our programme aimed at supporting emerging businesses run by leaders from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

Looking back, there’s plenty to celebrate. But better to look forward when there’s so much to look forward to.

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