Can the B Corps movement transform real estate?


Building a brighter future: B Corps and the rise of property with purpose

Part of the #INGdebates series. Follow @INGmedia for further updates

This ING Debate is on the growing importance of social value in property, featuring an expert group of panellists from across the built environment.

B Corporations are committed to pursuing purpose beyond profit. There are currently over 400 certified B Corps in the UK and more than 3,500 worldwide, including well-known brands such as Patagonia, Innocent, The Body Shop and Abel & Cole.

But only a handful of property companies in the UK have obtained B Corp certification. So, what are the challenges that property companies face? What can real estate learn from other sectors in the pursuit of purpose? And how can B Corp status transform the industry’s approach to social value?

Watch our virtual debate with an expert group of panellists:

  • Chair: Leanne Tritton, managing director, ING Media (@leannetritton)

  • Basil Demeroutis, Managing Partner, FORE Partnership (@Basil_FORE)

  • William Newton, President and MD, WiredScore (@wpnewton)

  • Charmian Love, Chair and Co-founder, B Lab UK (@charmianlove)

  • Susan Freeman, Partner, Mishcon de Reya (@propertyshe)

  • Henry McLoughlin, Director, Capricorn Investment Group

Images: Yinka Ilori ‘Better Days Are Coming I Promise’ Photo credit Kensington + Chelsea Art WeekJack Arts and CW+

Image of rainbows over Belém, Brasil. Photo by Italo Melo.

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